Sunday, June 15, 2014

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday I landed in Guatemala. The airport was a lot nicer than you would expect. We got on a bus for about 3 hours. We made a stop at a restaurant and I bough t a poncho, it's pretty sweet. Then we arrived at the orphanage and got settled in. We had lunch then I took a 1 hour nap. Me and another person on the team played tether ball  it was pretty fun.  Then we had dinner so we washed our dishes and played spoons. As soon as I got out I started talking to one of the translators, then mark got out, he is also one of the translators. We sat there for a while and I saw a moth, I got really freaked out. I went to the house took a shower. It was fun to take a shower in a foreign country. You turn on the light then you turn on the shower as soon as the light goes dim the water is warm.

Sunday I got up and went out to breakfast.  It was delicious, we had fresh fruit like, chopped watermelon and mangoes, eggs, cornflour tortillas, peanut butter and jam it was so good. Then I got ready and waited for the bus to take us to church. Which figured out pretty quick that the driver is the man that my cousin baptized.
This is in front of the baptismal font

This shows the tuktuk in the back they rode in one with 3 other people that put 5 people in the back

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