Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Written by Joy- Lydia and Kathi along with the rest of the group started the day on a bus going down a bumpy dirt road though the mountains on their way to a very poor district.  They took supplies to leave at the school and work with the kids.  They took soccer balls and a jump rope.  Kathi traced the kids bodies and they labeled the body parts in English and Spanish.

 Lydia worked with students also.  Grandma says she is young and can with out stopping.  She says she is able to handle a class of kids and teach them.  She plays soccer with them and works with them on lots of different activities.  They have also given out lots of new shoes to children.
Lydia took the penny hockey board that Sarah made in school.  She is teaching the boys to play.  They almost had a problem when nobody had any penny's, only paper money..oops but Grandma saved the day when she found a couple of penny and a dime. Sarah wrote a message to the kids on the back but it was in English and the kids all speak Spanish.  I am still not sure how Lydia is communicating with them. 

This is One of the kids that Kathi traced and it shows how they labeled her in both English and in Spanish.

This is Lydia teaching the kids how to do origami.  Origami has educational benefits of cooperative learning, cognitive development, links to math, and  small motor development. 

Lydia is throwing a Frisbee with Irvin.  Her cousin was able to baptize him last week.  He has been with them all week.  This makes for a special connection.